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Harker Herbals has been a trusted source of natural tonics since 1981, thanks to the healing powers of its formulations.

Nature was once the first step in the path to wellness, and Harker Herbals believes it should remain so. Its plant-based concoctions let everyone reconnect with nature with the help of expert herbalists and naturopaths.

The Story of Harker Herbals

Master herbalist Malcolm Harker (1946-2017) first built Harker Herbals as a herbal apothecary in Waipu in 1981. He weighed herbs and blended tonics himself in his shed, and as word of his effective remedies spread, his little business grew into what it is today.

Malcolm Harker received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the New Zealand Natural Health Industry for his efforts in raising awareness of the health benefits of herbs. Today Harker Herbals continues his work as they produce tonics in a GMP certified facility in the Hawkes Bay, with new ranges formulated by a leading New Zealand herbalist.

Shop All Harker Herbals

All prices in display are for retail buyers. To buy wholesale, please call 0508 367 232 or email

Shop by Brand

Prices on display for Antipodes, BeYou, The Good Vitamin Co., Volo Wellbeing and Collagen Pantry product ranges are for retail buyers. To access wholesale prices for these products please call 0508 367 232 or email


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